Right or Wrong?



Right/Wrong Conundrum

I admit I’m not immune to doing or saying something stupid. I’ve been embarrassed on many occasions and have lived to regret it. I, like many, don’t have all the answers. Nor do I know all the right ways to behave. I’ve heard it said that you’re never wrong if you do the right thing. Well, I stand in testament that that sentiment is probably correct regarding moral fortitude. However, I never feel as if I’m never wrong, even if I do something right.

Confusing? I know.

The best advice can be ignored if you go with what your heart wants or needs (best advice coming from the head and all, not the heart). After all, you know your situation better than anyone else. Even though you know it might be the wrong thing to do—it can fall flat if you only listen to your heart. In other words, it may be the right thing to do, but wrong in the end.

Huh? Come again?

So many instances fall into this “right/wrong” category. Life is hard enough trying to figure out what is best for us or right for us at the time. Especially when time is not on our side. I try my level best to figure this out. Still, sometimes, I want to run head-on into a situation without overanalyzing or considering the consequences. Just let the pieces fall where they may and pray Ive made the right decision. Foolish as that might be, this action has its merits—and pitfalls.

You have the right to be wrong, you know.

I suppose it takes the bravest of us to step into the unknown or known for that matter, and expect the worst. Be it a hostile environment, workplace situation, finding love, reconnecting with a long lost friend, or going home again after a very long absence, etcetera, these have their challenges.

So, what to do?

I find the best thing is just to do what comes naturally. Take the risk. If your heart is in the right place, meaning your intentions are good, you can’t go wrong. Honesty, truth, and compassion rule the day. If you’re dealing with honest people and honest with yourself about expectations in all you do, you can only hope for the best. If your actions are received well—then it was the right thing after all. If not, at least you know your thoughts led you to uncover what was wrong for you and, in the end, move on. Only the best in us receives what is right for us. In that, we’re never wrong.

The rest is just wasted time.  


Photo Courtesy of Robert Ruggiero


  1. I love that, but now you got me thinking! Lol - Little Bird

    1. Glad I could help propel you to think outside the box. Be brave.


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