How Interesting ...


How Interesting

Sometimes when I’m having a hard time falling asleep, I watch YouTube. One channel I enjoy has touched me with her shared love of books and other interests. Her love of these things, wisdom, and lifelong lessons got me thinking about what interests us. What propels YouTubers to discuss the interesting things they do?

In my book Miss Virginia and the Sweet Sisters, I draw on an issue that piqued my interest. Since its publication in December 2022, I’ve had a number of questions asked about the topic of my book. The discussions have caused me to dig deep into my reasons for writing it, the impact it might have, and the message I hope it sends. I was struck by the level of interest. So, for this new year of 2023, Id like to pose a few questions. 

What interests you? 

Better yet, ever wonder if you’re an interesting person? Not who is interested in you and why, but what draws your interest? I believe our innate curiosity causes us to question and share our interests with others. In turn, this creates an interest in us, what we have to say, what we have to share, and our opinions on various matters. I think these are the things that make us interesting.

Are you a gardener, bird watcher, or observer of life? What about works of literature, a turn of phrase, or travels in an exotic land? Teaching someone with learning disabilities, cooking an unusual dish, or demonstrating an old forgotten dance step with abandon? Do these things bring you joy? Is it seeing the repetitions of imagery caught in a photograph or the excitement of a child who just cant wait to tell you of a skill theyve mastered that rocks your boat? Would you be willing to share the interesting aspects of these events or pursuits? 

Interests are unique to each of us.

I see so many sharing their interests on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc., and I tell you - what they share in their writings, photos, and thoughts is amazing. I hope these questions about “interest” will spark something within each of you to share however you can. If nothing else, it helps with small talk in social settings.

I will add that the interest generated in my blog has been astonishing. There aren’t many comments, but the viewers come from as far away as India and New Zealand, and the viewership is still growing! Im so thrilled, and I thank you.

You never know the reach your interest will have and how it might resonate with others. So I encourage you all to share. 

Be interesting.


Photo Courtesy of Davisuko


  1. I am an environmentalist. The other day in exercise class, I noticed a classmate,s tshirt. It had a shark on in it with a recycling symbol. I asked her about it. I learned that she free swims with sharks. That led me to ask many questions about the ocean's cleanliness. I knew the facts which are not good but it made me very sad to hear from someone who has seen grocery bags, plastic bottles, car seats, etc in the ocean. However, I was thrilled to watch a video of her swimming with a shark. I would not have expected that to be her interest. I was glad to be curious about her shirt.

    1. Absolutely! Isn't it wonderful to see organizations (4Oceans is my favorite) doing what they can to clean up our oceans which are so vital to our existence? Bravo to her for bringing attention to this issue and for your interest and sharing this with us. We need to do more to clean up and improve our environment -, especially our oceans. This comment is so very helpful. Thank you, Trudy! For more information, visit

    2. I'm Delia and I am so glad that Trudy's interest in a T-Shirt afforded her a plethora of information about the pollution of our oceans. I am interested in the pollution of ANYTHING - - oceans, lakes, rivers, beaches, roads, deserts, mountains, my front yard. As I write this my car is jam packed with bags, boxes and bins I will take to the recycling center. And, hallelujah, Savannah has finally set up two spots to recycle glass. Bet ya'll didn't know that one of the biggest pollutants of oceans are empty tooth paste containers. Just in Georgia, 90% of the ocean's pollution filters down through rivers, etc. from all surrounding states. It is so sad to walk our Tybee Beach and see turtles strangled by a plastic grocery bag. Or see dirty diapers strewn everywhere even though the trash receptacle is ten feet away. Please realize that almost everything you throw into your trash bin can be recycled. Take the time and recycle. With my thanks!

    3. Thanks for the responses guys. It is a tragedy what we are doing to the pollution of our environment. Many things are bio-degradable, but sadly, most are not. It takes individuals like Trudy, her gym mate, and Delia to get involved and do what we can to help mitigate the damage we are doing by recycling. We need to amp up the recycling program, which has been in place for years. There too, it is sad that this program has lost some of its luster as we became "locked down" - along with other factors. I love reading about the interest you guys are taking and sharing the stories of other interesting people. So great! To get involved with the cleanup of our oceans, please over to

  2. Open for questions? Interesting

  3. There are also now biodegradable shipping "popcorn." A company my DIL works for ships their products in them. She showed a video of one of my munchkins at the kitchen sink holding some of the Popcorns under the water as they melted!!! Woo Woo!!!!!


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