It's here: My BOOK COVER REVEAL and RELEASE!!!!!


Book Release

Just in time for the Holidays!


I’m excited to announce the release of my debut novel: 

Miss Virginia and the Sweet Sisters! 

It has been a long but rewarding journey, and I’m so glad this day is finally here. Celebrate with me this achievement full of creative sweat, tears, love, copious amounts of coffee, late-night anguish, anxiety, frustration, thrill, and above all - joy.

The eBook is available for pre-order NOW, and the print versions (Hardcover and Paperback) will be available for purchase on December 5th at Amazon.

You can read  all the details about Miss Virginia and the Sweet Sisters, what readers are saying about the book in the reviews section, and other upcoming projects by visiting my author’s website:

Sign up for my newsletter to get all the latest news about the launch, signing dates, giveaways, and my continued writing journey.

Pick up a copy at Amazon and look for it soon at your nearest Barnes & Noble and local bookstores and libraries.

In the meantime, thank you for coming to my blog site to stay abreast of my personal views and experiences. I hope you continue to visit and journey with me through this thing called life (cliché, I know, but… hey).




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My book Miss Virginia and the Sweet Sisters: A Novel, is available for purchase at all local bookstores, particularly at the following locations:

Click here to purchase this book from Amazon

Click here to purchase this book from Barnes & Noble