Simply Thankful


Giving Thanks

     Giving Thanks

On this eve of thanksgiving, I wonder how many of us stop to give thanks for what we have, as opposed to what we don’t have instead?

On this eve of holiday festivities, I wonder how many of us stop to think about what we have been given as opposed to what we have not given in return?

These questions crossed my mind as I was doing laundry, cleaning the house, washing morning breakfast dishes, you know, the daily chores. As I thought about the last time, long ago, that I brought something for myself, like a new set of dishes, new shoes or clothes, how much I might need to spend for groceries and/or gas for the car, will I make it through the month, etc.; something occurred to me.

It’s a thought I think most of us have every now and then of what we don’t have versus what we do. In this climate of rising prices and the lack of quantity on store shelves, we can’t help but feel that things could be better. Of course they can.

But what about now?

We live in the now. Often we look forward to tomorrow without realizing that it’s the now that counts the most. The things we hope and dream for are a pastime we participate in anticipation of tomorrow. As my grandmother would say, “Let tomorrow take care of itself. Live for today and be thankful.” This is not to say that planning for tomorrow is not a thing; it is… but I digress.

So what if some of my dishes are chipped? I do have them to eat from. So what if my shoes are worn? They fit like a comfortable pair of leather gloves. So what if I lack a few things here and there? I am thankful for so many things. I am thankful for the air I breathe, a roof over my head and the warmth within it, and my soul. I am thankful that I can give a smile if I have nothing else to give. I am thankful that I can lend an ear to a friend in need. I am thankful that I can give “thanks” to others and give what I can. I am thankful that I can get up each morning to greet the day, be it sunshine or rain; it is glorious to me.

I am thankful that I was given life.

Even in the worst of times, there are reasons to be thankful. Even on our worst days, there are reasons to feel hopeful. Our elders taught us that, lest we forget, it’s worth remembering. So I hope we can all be thankful and give thanks for today and all the tomorrows to come.

So, I’ll forget about buying new clothes. I have some in the laundry that will do just fine. For now.

Happy Thanksgiving!

~ DaMarie


  1. I find this coment very endearing. It is very warming, thoughtful and loving.


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