The holidays are upon us, and during these days of post-shutdowns, I’m left to wonder what we have to be truly thankful for? The answer may be obvious, but you know me. I’m digging deep, putting aside the obvious such as health, family, gainfully employed or happily retired, etcetera.
No, not the tangible. I’ve been thinking lately about the intangible. That
which we cannot see, touch, grasp, or not physically present. The thing that is
hard to name. A head-scratcher, I know, but let me try to make sense of what I
It is said that God gave us two incredible gifts: free
will and a brain. We don’t use either one of those things very well. At least to the
point where our decisions have made our lives exceptional. I’m no exception. My
thankfulness lay in the fact that I can reason fairly well. At least, this is what I tell myself.
It’s not easy to navigate our world today with
sound decisions and the helpful use of common sense. It seems that common sense equates to nonsense these days. It is very difficult to reason with someone who is
being unreasonable. Reason points to so many truths of how we go about living
our lives. It couches us in the ‘now’ and keeps us steadfast in our beliefs that
spill over to tomorrow.
I’m also thankful that whatever regrets I have are
those I can live with. None of us are perfect, and in that, I am again no
exception. Oh, how many of the mistakes we have made make us wish for a ‘do-over?!’ I don’t know about you, but the stick with
notches on it for all the regrets and mistakes I’ve made is not nearly long enough. However,
these mistakes have made me the person I am today. Not perfect — but me, and I
like who I’ve become despite all those pitfalls, landmines, mountains climbed,
and the low valleys I’ve come through. I’ve made my peace with what has gone
before. I’m thankful for that, and I hope that thankfulness continues as the
years march on.
Regret leads me to peace of mind. “Live your life
every day so that you can look any man in the eye and tell him to go to hell.” That’s
a quote from my grandmother. She had many sayings like this, and I’m not sure
of the originality, but I like it. It’s a beautiful thing to live your life in
such a way as to be able to stand firm in your convictions. To hold onto who
you are as a person without anyone swaying your opinion of ‘you’ is
transformative. Because of those convictions, others know who you are. You’re
at peace with yourself, knowing your integrity is intact. I’m thankful to sleep
at night in harmony with myself.
I am thankful to know that I know nothing. I don’t live under the illusion that I know everything and there is nothing more to learn. Every day is an opportunity to learn something new, and I look forward to each lesson. Knowledge floods through me, and I understand more and more of the world. I understand and know I’m capable of amazing things. Understanding people, the task at hand, and the Lord, or something greater than ourselves, watches over us all propels me through each day.
I’ve heard teachers say that the most significant benefit of the job is the moment when a student understands a concept. A ‘light bulb’
moment occurs which can be seen on the student’s face who grasps an idea or an understanding. An incredible
feeling washes over when you see this occur. This is what makes the job so rewarding,
and I agree. I have to say I still smile when it happens to me. To have understanding
and a thirst for knowledge is something I am thankful for.
These are just a few of the things I’m thankful for,
which are intangible. That elusive feeling of being planted firmly in the
moment of reason, regret, peace, and understanding. How about you?
Happy Thanksgiving!
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